Three more days on the road, similar landscape, rolling hills reminiscent of the palouse, but very different walking conditions. Mostly due to the weather. Monday was clear and warm, with a breeze but not too hot.

We climbed a large hill out of Castrojeriz. It was “Orrisonesque” in its steepness in places, but the entire hill was
only 1.25 kilometers long. The view from the top was almost worth the climb. On the way down we were passed by a group of Americans who were going through seminary. They were all dressed in black robes, with packs, and were singing as they walked. They looked hot and tired.
Yesterday was hotter, and while we only walked 17km, it really took a lot out of us. Heat (with pardon requested from my students for the commonplace use of the word) really is the culprit for difficult walks. Most of the day was spent walking along a path that paralleled highways or along a canal. Not exactly a glorious walk.

We are getting closer now, almost halfway. Today presented a challenge in the form of a 17 km stretch with no services, dead straight with a slight upward slope, through farmland. It is somewhat famous for driving people crazy, and were were concerned about high temperatures. I carried 3 liters of water and some fruit and cookies to sustain me.

The walk didn’t go as planned. The morning started partly cloudy and breezy with temperatures in the mid 60’s, perfect for walking. We barely got out of Carrión when Jose and Dante caught up to us, so the next 9 km passed quickly and pleasantly with good conversation. Andie and I stopped at a rest area for a break and they continued on. We caught up to them at a new “bar” on the way where the owner was barbecuing sausages. The sky was looking ominous so we donned pack covers and jackets. Good thing because for the next 9 km we walked through a thunderstorm! Lightning all around us, and directly above. One bolt was followed less than a second by its LOUD thunderclap. The winds picked up and the sky opened and it RAINED. Hard. Very glad for my North Face jacket, it earned its keep today. All in all though, it was a pleasant day of walking, even with the tempest. The temperatures stayed in the 60’s and the walking was wet but easy. You just never know what the Camino will provide!
The Camino provides real thrills,so it seems (so says Andie!). Still, beautiful. Xo