The man selling oranges and cold drinks was there still, I guess some angels hang around for a while. The walk itself is beautiful (an often used word in these posts) with lots of shaded trails along rivers and over creeks.
As is often the case, we cross paths with pilgrims we met earlier. 
Phillip, from Germany, and Sophia, from Portugal, are two of these. We first met Sophia in Roncesvalles. She had horribly sunburnt legs which were very painful. She asked them if she could stay an extra day to heal, but the albergues don’t allow multiple night says and sent her to the next albergue 3km down the road. We next saw her walking with Phillip on the way to Zubiri. She was suffering greatly and was layering aloe vera on her legs often. Phillip was walking with boots that were obviously not new when he started and were completely broken down. The soles were just one layer of leather, it must have been like walking in moccasins. I can’t imaging enduring that on the steep decline into Zubiri with millions of loose sharp rocks. The photo shows them halfway to Pamplona with Phillip sporting a new pair of trail hikers and Sophia the benefactor of another pilgrim’s gift of a long pair of pants. I hope we see them again.
Phillip, from Germany, and Sophia, from Portugal, are two of these. We first met Sophia in Roncesvalles. She had horribly sunburnt legs which were very painful. She asked them if she could stay an extra day to heal, but the albergues don’t allow multiple night says and sent her to the next albergue 3km down the road. We next saw her walking with Phillip on the way to Zubiri. She was suffering greatly and was layering aloe vera on her legs often. Phillip was walking with boots that were obviously not new when he started and were completely broken down. The soles were just one layer of leather, it must have been like walking in moccasins. I can’t imaging enduring that on the steep decline into Zubiri with millions of loose sharp rocks. The photo shows them halfway to Pamplona with Phillip sporting a new pair of trail hikers and Sophia the benefactor of another pilgrim’s gift of a long pair of pants. I hope we see them again.
Today is a rest day, which feels awesome. Andie and I had a wonderful meal at a restaurant Lori and I ate at two years ago, followed by a blissful night of sleep in a rest bed with air conditioning. Well rested, today we will explore Pamplona and see how many pilgrim friends we meet. We found the Korean band that plays traditional Korean music, that has been carrying their instruments, on there backs, as well as everything else they need, since St. Jean Pied de Port! They are amazing and I’m looking forward to seeing their documentary.