For those of you who were/are following this blog, I apologize for its abrupt lack of content. My days walking the Camino did not allow as much time to write as I would have liked and very sketchy network connections made it very difficult to upload videos and entries.
I did record with my GoPro along the way and tried to splice the videos together, showing a day or so of the journey at a time. Uploading those to YouTube proved to be formidable. Sometimes allowing them to upload all night, while I slept, wasn’t enough time, even over wifi.
But I now have what I’ve produced uploaded and available. Some I posted on Facebook, but not all. So, if you’re still interested, below is a list of video links that I don’t think made the blog yet. I hope you enjoy them. I had a blast making them.
I may still write some post-Camino thoughts on this blog, but not until after I’m home on the 8th. Thanks for your interest. Comment or ask questions as you like. I’ll try to respond as appropriate.
Buen Camino!