Happy New Year. Having nothing in particular to say I nonetheless feel that I want to post. I want this blog to be a chronicle of our Camino including our preparations, thoughts, feelings, achievements, and setbacks. As such I don't want too long to pass between posts.

Certainly 2014 faded with more setbacks than achievements along our Way. In an earlier post I discussed issues I was having with my shoulders and knees. What I didn't know at the time was that there was much more to come. After many ups and downs, and with the help of an awesome doctor, it now seems apparent that I have something called
polymyalgia rheumatica. While not fun, it's not fatal, but it sure slows
everything down. Some days aren't too bad, some days I need help getting dressed.
After starting and tinkering with medications it seems as if I am starting to get better. I have learned that it is impossible to predict what tomorrow brings with this disorder and to take each day as it comes. Like life and I'm sure the Camino.
I think things like this can teach us lessons. While I've
only been dealing with this for a few months I haven't become too discouraged and am determined not to let this define my life or what I do. I am going to walk the Camino. I may have to change my plans, walk it in stages as others have, or who knows what, but I am going to do it. I am sure that there will be days during the journey where the sun will seem hotter, the hills will seem steeper, the rain harder, and the wind colder. Just keep walking. Other days the flowers will smell sweeter, the breeze softer and cool, the vistas spectacular. Just keep walking. Every day, every mile, is a gift from God. The journey has it's own rewards. Don't stop walking.
Peace and Buen Camino.